Tuesday, March 31, 2009


This is not going to be a very philosophical post:
I am STARVING!!! (I hate when people call in sick to work)
also I am Hungry for this semester to end and to do some fun stuff such as hiking and volleyball and jogging and the like. . .

just insatiable hunger.

ps I really do love life, I am just hungry right now and that changes the way I feel about things like life... :)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Funny how we are so spoiled

It is so interesting that we are spoiled enough that something as inconvenient as trying to watch part of a basketball game over the internet or playing a game online against someone who lives across town or even in another city (which is obviously amazing! I mean real time video from across the country?!?!) and yet when it gets a little glitch-y or jumpy or anything else people fly off the handle about how stupid it is.  I mean come on! It is still really cool that you can hear it right as it's happening! 
anyway, I am not talking about anyone in particular; just saying in general.
sometimes I have been like that; but then I step back and realize that I am just being stupid, even when I can't get the internet in one of my classes I get frustrated. . .  (like today for about 15 minutes).
Let's not be stupid!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

What Dreams are Coming

Recently I have been having really weird dreams, mixes of movies or other stuff like that, stuff that I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about those things. . . 

1. Last week I had a dream that was a mix of Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia. . . I think I was in a mixed role of Aragorn and Peter. . .  it was pretty cool, but definitely weird.
2. Still last week, I had a dream about Peter Pan, (without the flying sadly) and a mix of the sci fi genre (a city of ember feel, but before I saw the movie) and a mob flick (mostly drug related).

anyway, yeah, my dreams have been weird  recently.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

What is wrong with me?!?

I can't figure it out . . . maybe I am getting sick, but the past week, I have been getting more sleep than normal, and I am still Horribly tired and sleepy.
I have fallen asleep more this week in class and while watching TV than I even did when I was working two jobs and 10-14 hours a day. 
There has got to be something wrong with that, and although I can blame a little bit of it on the daylight savings time change, I have never had this magnitude of a problem with daylight savings time before. . . 

maybe I am mutating into a superhero. . .  that would be pretty sweet!

Friday, March 6, 2009

People are like Demetors.

During this school year I have become acquainted with different people who have left me with distinct impressions and I have finally realized what it is that makes them such unique characters in the story of my life, let me divulge the knowledge I have come to.

Last Semester when I got my marching band parka, I went to a friend's apartment with it on and walked in the door only to say "I'm a Dementor" and then leave . . . this instance, (combined with an email I wrote in response to another friend's jokingly mean email) made me think to myself. I thought, "Self, what is a dementor?" and of course the obvious answer: a soul sucker! (yes that is not completely true . . .  but true enough for my metaphor).  So how do souls sucking harbingers of darkness factor into my aquainting people this year?  now we shall weave these many thought strands together into a chord of pure awesomeness!!!

People are like Dementors, there are certain people in the world who just suck something out of you; something that you do not want to give up . . .

1. I play in the band at BYU, and one of my directors is a Dementor of Fun. (not Bro. Mac) I don't know how she does it . . . but seriously, she can make anything become un-fun.
2. I have another band director (still not Bro. Mac) who is a Dementor of Energy, after a little while in there I don't want to do anything; it's sad, because I like music.
3. My Grandpa was a Dementor of Doubt, every time that I would be in a situation where I felt unsure of the direction my life was heading in, he would be there to assure me I was on the right path or help steer me in a more suitable direction.

Just a few thoughts, but for all you Harry Potter fans . . .  Dementors are REAL!
